Worst Places to Store Your Crypto Wallet Seed Phrase

The Worst Places to Store Your Crypto Wallet Seed Phrase

Did you know more than 20% of Bitcoin is now lost or can’t be accessed? This is often because people forget their seed phrases, a report by Chainalysis1 explains. This issue is getting bigger as more invest in cryptocurrencies. Keeping your seed phrase safe is vital. Yet, many make mistakes that cost them dearly. For instance, a Business Insider report1 predicts a $545 million loss in Bitcoin for 2022 due to forgotten seed phrases. Good storage practices for your seed phrase aren’t just a suggestion. In a world full of hacking risks, they’re a must to protect your digital wealth.

Key Takeaways

  • Over 20% of Bitcoin is lost due to forgotten seed phrases1.
  • Proper storage of seed phrases is crucial to avoid common crypto security mistakes.
  • In 2022, investors expected to lose $545 million worth of Bitcoin due to forgotten seed phrases1.
  • Not your keys, not your crypto—control over your seed phrase means control over your assets.
  • Coincover outlines several insecure storage methods that could jeopardize your cryptocurrency security.

The Importance of Proper Seed Phrase Storage

Storing your seed phrase right is key to protecting your crypto assets. These phrases have 12 to 24 words and are essential for getting into your cryptocurrency wallets2. Knowing “not your keys, not your coins” is crucial. It underlines why it’s important to keep your seed phrases safe2.

Ignoring seed phrase security can cause you to lose your digital money for good. Over 20% of Bitcoin is lost or stuck in wallets no one can access3. Chainalysis has shown that around $545 million in Bitcoin was lost in 2022 because it wasn’t stored right2.

To keep your digital money safe, look into different secure storage solutions for seed phrases. Firms like BitPay won’t keep your seed phrases for you. This means you need to take care of them yourself3. Using safes, paper backups, and secure digital places to keep your phrases is a good idea2. Moreover, steel or metal gadgets like Cryptosteel Capsule, Blockplate, and Seedplate can protect against fire and water3.

Also, make sure you can restore your wallet with your recovery phrase. This is important no matter how much you know about crypto3. Having copies in different secret spots means you won’t lose everything if one is discovered3.

In summary, never underestimate how important it is to store your seed phrase well. Using secure storage solutions for seed phrases and protecting your crypto assets properly will keep your digital money safe.

Typing It in a Word Document

Typing your seed phrase in a Word document might look easy, but it’s risky. The BIP39 12-word seed phrase is very secure, offering error correction and many combinations4. Yet, storing it wrongly can remove these benefits.

Risks of Storing on Computers

Keeping a seed phrase on a computer opens doors for hackers or theft. Cybercriminals often target computers, putting your assets at risk. Your secure BIP39 seed phrase won’t help if hackers get it4. Using crypto wallet best practices is key to protect your money.

Potential for Accidental Deletion

There’s also the danger of accidentally deleting your seed phrase. A system crash, update, or a mistake can make you lose your crypto. A survey showed that 3 of 5 people prefer offline storage to prevent such errors5. It’s smarter to avoid common crypto security mistakes.

Security Vulnerabilities

Finally, saving your seed phrase on a computer makes it vulnerable to attacks. Even with a password, malware and phishing can still be a threat. Coincover reported that such security issues have caused losses, underlining the need for solid offline storage and encrypted seed phrases4.

Taking a Photograph

Taking a photo of your seed phrase seems easy, but it’s risky. Coincover warns against this because hackers can get to photos on your device if it gets compromised. When you snap a pic of your seed phrase, you make many digital copies. This raises the risk of others getting or losing it, especially if stolen or hacked6. The more copies there are, the greater the chance one could be snatched7.

To protect your digital wealth better, skip such unsafe methods. Look into secure spots to keep seed phrases, like physical storages that don’t use digital devices. Keeping your seed phrase off the internet is key to top-notch security and fewer risks7.

The idea of using your phone might sound convenient, but think about the risk. Devices can get lost, stolen, or hacked. This could let bad guys get your precious info. If you own crypto, always go for storage options that aren’t digital and are long-lasting. This way, you’ll truly protect your digital treasures6.

Writing It in a Paper Wallet

People often choose paper wallets to store their seed phrases. But, it’s key to know the durability issues and risks.

Durability Concerns

Keeping your seed phrase on paper exposes it to damage. Water, fire, and extreme temperatures can ruin it8. To avoid this, some suggest using stainless steel or titanium8. These stronger materials protect your crypto assets from harm.

Risks of Theft and Loss

Paper wallets are offline but can still be stolen or lost. Once gone, you can’t get back your seed phrase9. For more safety, split your seed phrase and keep parts in different places. You can use safe deposit boxes at various banks for this8.

Despite risks, offline seed phrase storage is vital. It reduces dangers and secures your cryptocurrency better. This matches what users and experts believe89.

For more on safe cryptocurrency storage, check out this detailed guide.

Saving It on the Cloud

Keeping your crypto assets safe is key in the digital world today. Many talk about storing your seed phrase on the cloud. This way is easy but brings up big worries about security and who can see your info. The story of Lichtenstein and Morgan shows that the government can get to private keys easily. This highlights the dangers of putting sensitive details in the cloud10. Cloud storage is risky because of things like hacks, unwanted access, and data leaks.

Hacking into cloud-stored seed phrases is way too simple. It’s a big red flag for thieves. Once your seed phrase hits the internet, it’s at risk from various attacks. Hackers breaking into cloud services could mean your important info gets stolen. This could ruin your crypto holdings10. Because of these threats, experts usually say it’s a bad idea to keep seed phrases online.

Using the cloud raises big privacy worries, too. Cloud storage means letting others possibly see your data. Handing over your seed phrase to cloud providers risks your crypto10. It’s like giving them the keys to your digital treasure chest.

On the other hand, old-school ways like jotting seed phrases on paper dodge digital storage’s downsides. Yet, paper can get damaged or lost, which is risky11. Another choice is to use metal for storing seed phrases. Metal stands up better to damage, keeping your info safe.

If you really want to protect your crypto, think twice about cloud storage. The chances of hacking, privacy leaks, and easy access by wrong people are too high. Looking at offline options and weighing their good and bad sides can make your digital wealth safer.

Relying on Your Memory

Thinking it’s easy to remember your seed phrase might seem smart at first. Yet, it’s one of the riskiest moves for keeping your digital money safe. Seed phrases, with 12 or 24 words, are hard for anyone to just guess. According to BIP 39, a 12-word sequence has odds of 1 in 2¹²⁸. A 24-word sequence’s odds are 1 in 2²⁵⁶, making guessing almost impossible12.

Even though it sounds secure, just using your memory is risky. Things like stress, getting older, or other issues can lead to forgetting. This can mean you never get to access your money again. The story of Stefan Thomas is a great example. He nearly lost $232 million in Bitcoin because he forgot his seed. The best way to keep seed phrases safe doesn’t just rely on memory13.

If you’re new to digital money, it’s important to look at other ways to keep your seed phrase safe. One good option is to use a Cryptosteel. It’s a tough metal plate that survives things like fire or floods. Also, a digital vault like Vault12 can protect your seed phrase with extra security layers13. Making sure you can get to your digital money while keeping it secure is critical13.

There are many ways to keep your seed phrase safe, and the best ones usually use more than one method. Don’t just rely on your memory. Look for safe options that give you peace of mind. You can find more info on secure ways to store your seed phrase here13.

safest way to store seed phrases

The Worst Places to Store Your Crypto Wallet Seed Phrase

Keeping your crypto safe is key in our digital world. Sadly, many make big mistakes with their seed phrases. This puts their crypto at risk of being stolen or lost forever. Knowing the worst spots for your seed phrase keeps your crypto safe.

Examples of Common Mistakes

One big mistake is saving the seed phrase on computers or online. Coincover says this could lead to theft or hacking. Take Stefan Thomas, who nearly lost $232 million in Bitcoin, as a warning14. Lichtenstein and Morgan also faced problems when their keys were found online, causing security issues14.

Impact on Cryptocurrency Security

This has a huge impact on crypto security. Around 20% of all Bitcoin is gone for good because of these errors14. Despite a drop in crypto theft in 2023, the danger is still there15. So, protecting your crypto assets is vital.

Better Alternatives

To avoid these errors, consider safer storage. Use physical methods like writing your seed phrase on paper and keeping it in a fireproof safe. These should be in different places for more security16. For digital safety, use strong encryption methods. Tools like Mycelium help by adding extra security layers to your crypto1615.

To wrap up, know where not to keep your seed phrases to protect your crypto. By dodging these common mistakes, you make your digital wealth much safer.

Alternative Storage Solutions for Seed Phrases

Finding the best way to keep your cryptocurrency safe is key. Many unique options can boost the safety of your crypto assets. They follow the top advice for crypto wallets.

Digital Vaults and Their Benefits

Digital vaults are great for keeping seed phrases safe, adding many encryption levels for tough security. They work apart from your other gadgets, cutting malware and keylogger risks.

Metal Backup Options

Metal backups mean putting your seed phrases on metal sheets. These sheets last a long time and stand up to fire and water. It’s a growing choice for users who want to stop any physical harm17.

Hardware Wallets

Hardware wallets keep your seed phrases and crypto off the internet. Thus, they face fewer online dangers, like hackers. Top picks include Trezor and Ledger for their solid security1718. Still, it’s vital to watch out for flaws in some models and update them often.

Shamir’s Secret Sharing Scheme

Shamir’s Secret Sharing splits seed phrases into pieces. If one part gets exposed, the full phrase is still protected18. Spreading these parts among trusted folks or places adds extra security for your assets.

To know more about keeping crypto storage safe and wallet tips, check out beginner guides to crypto trading for useful info.

Best Practices for Protecting Your Crypto Assets

To keep your cryptocurrency safe, knowing how to protect your crypto wallet is key. Picking the right way to store your seed phrases is critical for security.

The strength and safety of where you keep your seed phrases matter a lot. You might want to use products like Cryptosteel’s Capsule and Cassette. They help keep your seed phrases safe from damage.

Using different ways to store your seed phrases is smart. It’s like having a backup plan if one way doesn’t work. For example, you can use hardware wallets and metal backups, along with secure digital vaults.

How you act online also affects your crypto’s safety. Phishing attacks are common dangers. Dominic Lacovone lost $650k in one, showing why being careful is crucial19. Nikhil Gopalani’s story, losing $175k in NFTs due to a hacked Apple ID, underlines guarding personal accounts19.

Being smart about where to keep your seed phrases is also key. Cloud storage, for instance, has risks like hacking and theft20. It’s better to stick with safer, offline methods.

Add an extra security step with two-factor authentication (2FA). It prevents anyone who shouldn’t from getting to your wallets19. This, when combined with safe seed storage, makes your crypto much safer.

Make sure to use tools and sources you can trust. Not all DeFi protocols and apps are safe; some can be hacked, causing losses20. Choose well-known tools like KeePass or BitWarden. Be cautious with centralized exchanges to keep your investments safe.

Want to learn more about how to store your crypto safely? Check out this article19.


To protect your digital assets, carefully store your crypto wallet’s seed phrase. Avoid typing it into digital documents or relying on your memory alone. These actions put your cryptocurrency at high risk21. Instead, use sure methods like digital vaults, metal backups, and hardware wallets. These offer strong protection against losing your assets if your seed phrase gets stolen or lost.

Physical storage, like paper wallets, also works if you’re cautious. To prevent theft or damage, consider using bank safety deposit boxes21. Remember, though, these boxes are not insured and can be affected by mistakes or mismanagement22. Adding encryption or extra passphrases ensures even better security, keeping your seed phrase safe under most conditions.

The best way to keep your cryptocurrency safe is with a mix of physical and digital methods. Be on the lookout for malware, keep your computer clean, and use services like HYAS Protect At Home21. Combining these strategies and reliable storage options will help safeguard your digital wealth for a long time.


Why is it risky to store my crypto wallet seed phrase on my computer?

Keeping your seed phrase on a computer is risky because it can be stolen, accidentally deleted, or hacked. Malware can attack computers, potentially causing a total loss of digital currencies.

Can I take a photograph of my seed phrase and store it on my phone?

It’s very unsafe to store a photo of your seed phrase on your phone. If hackers break into your device, they might steal your digital assets.

What are the concerns with using a paper wallet for seed phrase storage?

Using paper wallets avoids hacking but raises issues like damage and theft. Paper can be easily destroyed, possibly cutting off access to your digital money for good.

Is it safe to save my seed phrase on cloud storage services?

Saving your seed phrase in the cloud is risky due to possible hacking and privacy worries. Cloud platforms might be breached, putting your seed phrase at risk.

Can I rely on memorizing my seed phrase as a storage method?

Memorizing your seed phrase is risky. Forgetting just a piece means losing access to your funds forever.

What are some common mistakes in storing crypto wallet seed phrases?

Common errors include typing out the seed phrase in digital documents or saving it in the cloud. These choices make it easier for thieves to hack and steal.

What are some better alternatives to insecure seed phrase storage methods?

Secure options include encrypted digital vaults, hardy metal backups, offline hardware wallets, and using Shamir’s Secret Sharing. These methods protect against theft and damage.

What are the benefits of using digital vaults for seed phrase storage?

Digital vaults use heavy encryption, enhancing seed phrase security. They help prevent theft and damage.

Why are metal backups considered a secure option for seed phrase storage?

Metal backups withstand environmental harm, providing solid long-lasting seed phrase safety. Tools like the Cryptosteel Capsule and Cassette give a reliable storage solution.

How do hardware wallets help in protecting crypto assets?

Hardware wallets keep your crypto off the internet, keeping them safer from hackers. It’s crucial to look after the wallet carefully.

What is Shamir’s Secret Sharing Scheme, and how does it enhance seed phrase security?

Shamir’s Secret Sharing breaks the seed phrase into parts that must be reunited for full access. This method spreads the risk, increasing safety.